The Replica Installation

Tasmanian “Home of the Blizzard”

IMAG0562It is an expensive proposition to send a team down to Cape Denison each year. There are all kinds of specialists required to help with the upkeep of the historic site, to maintain the Huts. Heritage Carpenters, Conservators, Camera people and Record keepers are some who have the specific skills needed to keep history alive. A regular, constant and consistent source of income would ease greatly the pressure to fund the annual team trip. to do this, the Mawsons’ Huts Foundation commissioned a REPLICA HUT, to be built from Sir Douglas’ the original plans, using the same company who supplied the materials for his 1911 Hut and erected on a spot of land near the waterfront in Hobart. Not only would this create the stream of much needed funds, but it would also become a main tourist attraction for the city.

IMAG0564Work began in Launceston, and when the two halves of the new building were completed to spec, they were trucked down to Hobart. There then began the juggle to put them in place on the patch of green on the corners of Argyle and Morrison Sts. The cranes lifted the pieces and and twisted them towards the small, open space — where the pieces fit together perfectly, the first time!  Praise God for Heritage Carpenters!

Once set in place, the decorating the inside — or rather, I should say ‘equipping’ — became the focus, with donations IMAG0566and gifts materializing from many unexpected avenues. Each item had a special place and I can verify that, having been in both the original Hut at Cape Denison and the Hut here in Hobart, the Replica is, in truth, an excellent reproduction and remarkable replica!


The only thing missing is the knee-high snow and ice inside!

