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There are thousands of people world-wide  who derive great pleasure from spinning yarn. Unlimited by age or gender, they are creative, imaginative, and above all – adventurous….

Many kinds of fibre, some natural (proteins/cellulose) and some man-made or man “interfered” (corn, milk, seaweed, or  Acrylic) are available to spin. The PROTEINS are more readily available, of course, being animal fibre and they take the least amount of preparation. Sheep, Alpaca, Llama and even hair from your pet dog or cat can be used to spin yarn.

CELLULOSE fibres – such as cotton, hemp, ramie, bamboo, soy and cornsilk  — can also give a satisfying result when spinning yarn. All that is needed is a spinning wheel, or drop spindle, and the yarn can be spun in no time!

MANMADE fibre like Tencel (chemically treated wood pulp), Milk Fibre (chemically processed from milk), Seacell (a processed Norwegian seaweed) and MINERAL fibres such as carbon fibre (extruded burnt tar) are part of an array of unusual fibres with which to experiment, for garments and objects.

So — why would Marion want to spin yarn in Antarctica? Has anyone done this before? It is beautiful there, and cold, and dangerous … and it is all part of the spinning adventure….

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